Kamen Rider Decade


The story revolves around the nine previous universes of the Heisei Kamen Riders merging into one, something that would destroy all the worlds. To prevent this, Tsukasa Kadoya transforms into Kamen Rider Decade and is told that to protect his own world he must travel with Natsumi and her grandfather to the other Kamen Riders' Worlds (referred to as an A.R. World or Another Rider's World) and eliminate the anomaly in that world. Along the way, confronting the mysterious Narutaki and the thief Daiki Kaito, they are joined by Yusuke Onodera of the World of Kuuga and Kiva-la of the World of Kiva.
To fit with the photography motif of the series, the main Kamen Riders of the series follow the CMYK color model: Decade is magenta, Diend is cyan, and Kuuga (Ultimate Form) is black. While no specific Rider has been yellow, the armor of Kuuga Rising Ultimate is yellow (gold). In the Cho-Den-O Trilogy film Episode Yellow: Treasure de End Pirates, Diend is the primary character, emphasizing the yellow accents on his suit.

Download Kamen Rider series:

1. "Rider War"
  Raidā Taisen?

2. "The World of Kuuga"
  Kūga no Sekai?

3. "Transcendence"

4. "Second Movement Prince Kiva"
  Dai Ni Gakushō Kiba no Ōji?

5. "The Biting King's Qualifications"
  Kamitsuki Ō no Shikaku?

6. "Battle Trial: Ryuki World"
  Batoru Saiban: Ryūki Wārudo?

7. "Super Trick of the Real Criminal"
  Chō Torikku no Shinhannin?

8. "Welcome to the Blade Restaurant"
  Bureido Shokudō Irasshaimase?

9. "Blade Blade"
  Bureido Burēdo?

10."Faiz High School's Phantom Thief"
  Faizu Gakuen no Kaitō?

11."555 Faces, 1 Treasure"
  Faizutsu no Kao, Hitotsu no Takara?

12."Reunion: Project Agito"
  (再会 プロジェクト・アギト)
  Saikai: Purojekuto Agito?

13."Awakening: Tornado of Souls"
  (覚醒 魂のトルネード)
  Kakusei: Tamashii no Torunēdo?

14."Super Den-O Beginning"
   Chō Den'ō Biginingu?

15."Here Comes Super Momotaros!"
   Chō Momotarosu, Sanjō!?

16."Warning: Kabuto Running Amok"
   Keikoku: Kabuto Bōsōchū?

17."The Grandma Way of Taste"
   Obaachan Aji no Michi?

18."Idle Hibiki"
   Saboru Hibiki?

19."Ending Journey"
   Owaru Tabi?

20."The Nega-World's Dark Riders"
   Nega Sekai no Yami Raidā?

21."The Walking All-Rider Album"
   Aruku Kanzen Raidā Zukan?

22."Wanted: Diend"
   Diendo Shimeitehai?

23."End of Diend"
   Endo Obu Diendo?

24."The Arrival of the Samurai Sentai"
   Kenzan Samurai Sentai?

25."Heretic Rider, Go Forth!"
   Gedō Raidā, Mairu!?

26."RX! Dai-Shocker Attack"
   Āru Ekkusu! Daishokkā Raishū?

27."Black × Black RX"

28."Amazon, Friend"
   Amazon, Tomodachi?

29."The Strong, Naked, Strong Guy"
   Tsuyokute Hadaka de Tsuyoi Yatsu?

30."Rider War: Prologue"
   Raidā Taisen: Joshō?

31."Destroyer of Worlds"
   Sekai no Hakaisha?

*Thanks to the following uploader:
 takenoko, darkhawk5, Zero, Alara Moonrunner, taramjwi, Vala from TV-Nihon and Admin

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